personne âgée avec un orthesiste

Orthoses: Enhancing Mobility, Balance, and Independence for Seniors

As we age, the body undergoes transformations that can affect mobility,…

sportif portant une orthese pour genou

The Benefits of Orthotics for Athletes

In sports, where performance is at the forefront of concerns, athletes seek…

Flat Feet: Different Treatment Options

Flat feet (or flatfoot) is a common condition where there is a collapse of the…

pied diabetique medecin

The Diabetic Foot: 7 Steps to Take Care of It

The diabetic foot, a common complication of diabetes, is characterized by blood…

Uncomfortable Shoes Blister Pain

Standing Work: Impact on Feet and Blood Circulation

Standing work is a reality for many individuals, especially in professions such…

Femme douleur sous la plante du pied Metatarsalgie

Relieving Metatarsalgia: What are the best practices?

Metatarsalgia is a painful condition affecting the metatarsal bones at the…

Utilisation d'orthèses plantaires (semelles orthopédiques) pendant la course à pied

Plantar orthotics and running: 5 benefits for athletes

Running is a physical activity that can have a significant impact on athletes'…

The athlete puts on his arm a black protective orthosis. A well-built man covers his hand, joints from damage. Hand stiffening with an orthosis, hand problems, wrist pain.

Resuming your training program after an injury: how to do it?

Returning to training after an injury, serious or not, is never easy. Between…

fasciite plantaire, douleur au pied

Relieve plantar fasciitis with 3 exercises

What is plantar fasciitis? Plantar fasciitis, or plantar fasciitis, is an…